Tuesday, September 15, 2020


9.15.2020 The best news is that Grace Forest is back on the Hill as of yesterday https://windthread.typepad.com/windthread/2020/09/my-entry-13.html and was back again todday https://windthread.typepad.com/windthread/2020/09/my-entry-15.html Meanwhile I woke early to phone Massachusetts wishing my dear friend Happy Birthday
Spent time on Face book reading news of the world and posting about fires and potential floods, skipping most of the Administration posts and horrified by the presidents hubris, usery and dangerous intentions.
Then had a long nap to 3p.m. Rising to check the calendar in case I'd lost track of days.
I've gotten lonely actually, but I fill in with the virtual and time passes and memory brings longing https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3365260245927126723/8103246041710081231?hl=en


  1. Michelle,
    I too am happy for Grace's good news of the day. But, I'm sorry for your lonliness. I understand. ANd I wish you could go visit your MA friends.
    Reach out how and when you need to, I am here for you, others are as well. You're good people Michelle, well loved and cared for. xoxo

  2. You're good people, indeed. A real ballast for this reader. Your generosity and wisdom seemingly boundless.


I look forward to your responses.