Day Three
Thank you for your kind wishes and advice on the last post.
Night descends upon the bed, where I and my distress spent the
better part of Sunday and today.
My malady, following it's predictable
course of mucous production and expulsion, has depleted all paper
supply on hand, and I've squeezed through a half dozen oranges, six
lemons, and two gallons of Poland Spring water. Homeopathic
Influenzinum cooperated to aid the process, and the
honey mixed with Asafoetida soothed the edges of raw membranes.
I've fallen asleep about 3/4 through each of three discs
the eight disc audio book
by E.M. Forester
in my having to replay the end of each
before beginning the next disc.
I think I've dreamed using both the glorious Italian scenery and Forster dialogue from it, combining
them in patchwork fashion with scenes and dialogue from my own life,
and in this manner entertained myself. The weather has gone from frigid
to rainy, and warmed up to a tepid 45 degrees. I wisely opted to
forgo the pleasure of my weekly writing group tonight. Now I'm suited
up to make the two block trip to a store for some supplies, then home
again to lovely cabbage soup with toast, back to bed, and onward to disc four.
Link to 2007 video version of EM Fosters timeless classic, set in pre World War I England and Italy. With Elaine Cassidy and Rafe Spall. 1 and 1/2 hours.
sounds like you're on the road to recovery. take good care.
Keep on healing Michelle. I'm home from work today, feeling worse rather than better. Ugh. Maybe tomorrow will begin the wellness for me.
you seem to be taking good care of you, keep cozy.
Wonderful to read the other side of it. Onward!
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