Beautiful Weather
Many Shades of Blue
One Adorable New Dog
Watch 'Bruno' Play
Many Shades of Blue
One Adorable New Dog
Watch 'Bruno' Play
"The Circle Game"
See Bruno perform
"In Your Face"
A Few Cats Too
(others were indisposed)
Forget Me Not
Wood Anemone
Ancient Orchid
Bleeding Heart
Skunk Cabbage
Quince Bush
Everywhere Lush Everything
For My Rag Mates
A Vintage Victorian Cloth
on a Vintage Victorian
Marble Top Table
A Day Trip to Hartford for Dance
Tiny Sample
April 30th
The Laundry Line
May First
Ready To Depart
"Your leaving?!"
"My shadow will stay on 'til I return"
Place Keepers
Springfield to Hartford
Hartford to Stamford
Crossing To Manhattan
The Church Garden
Irises Soon
Back Pot Garden
Here to greet me 98 emails to sort read, keep, answer, schedule or delete, no possibility of catching up on a week of blogs and face book posts, and the piles of papers, the stacks of books, the closet room full of clothes still here. Nothing has miraculously solved itself in my absence, but my spirit is refreshed and all is well. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I paid bills, assessed how tight the rest of the month will be, set up a schedule for the garden, corresponded with friends in France, New Jersey and Seattle Washington, read some blogs, and caught up with what needed updating.
Traveled downtown and West to the Hudson one evening for a spectacularly enjoyable book launch for
Annie Finch's "Spells" at Poets House.
(more on that in another post)
Springfield to Hartford
Hartford to Stamford
Crossing To Manhattan
The Church Garden
Irises Soon
Back Pot Garden
Here to greet me 98 emails to sort read, keep, answer, schedule or delete, no possibility of catching up on a week of blogs and face book posts, and the piles of papers, the stacks of books, the closet room full of clothes still here. Nothing has miraculously solved itself in my absence, but my spirit is refreshed and all is well. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I paid bills, assessed how tight the rest of the month will be, set up a schedule for the garden, corresponded with friends in France, New Jersey and Seattle Washington, read some blogs, and caught up with what needed updating.
Traveled downtown and West to the Hudson one evening for a spectacularly enjoyable book launch for
Annie Finch's "Spells" at Poets House.
(more on that in another post)
to me, this is an amazing life.
thanks for all the images. i enjoyed it all.
i did see the videos the first time round. loved the ballet. miss going to the ballet. used to go regularly when in ny...Lincoln Center i believe.
Wonderful! Loved the pup videos, had me laughing too, what a darling boy. Beautiful photos with brilliant colors, lush is right. And back home, the church garden! It was a delight, Michelle, to get a glimpse of your life. xoxo
Such beautiful images Michelle and fun doggie video! How blessed you are to have such dear friends to spend time with and the extra perk that you get to enjoy the pets as well! Welcome home :)
It looks like a delightful escape - my goodness you certainly do know your flower and plant names :) - so glad things are alive and well and blooming in your corner of the world. It makes all the difference :)
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