Monday, June 10, 2013


Made a salmon loaf for wraps, cucumber salad, and green-tea-lemonade, turned the computer off,  donned a backpack,  and let my feet  to take me out of doors
Two delightful buses, delivered me smoothly at Damaroch park, Lincoln Center, where I sauntered to the grove of maple trees and benches at the entrance to the band shell
Picnic and a bit of chit-chat. with friend Michael
Then on to visit
Nemo and Julian working at their booth
They'll do it again next weekend! 
Meanwhile, beautiful hand dyed indigo and more is available at
The crows are by Vicki Banks Studio

Somewhere Sometime
 for one more portrait


deanna7trees said...

always something fun to do in the big city.

Nancy said...

Only a bus (or 2) ride away! Nice.

Mo Crow said...

oh those crows are so cool Michelle! thanks for the virtual visit to the markets

Unknown said...

cool .... your feet know just where to go :)