Monday, June 17, 2013


though a day late
The Sistine Chapel
with musical accompaniment
I'm told this virtual tour was done by Villanova
at the request of the Vatican
Here is a wonderful bit of technology that allows
us into a place most of us will probably never see in person
Even if we did, we would definitely never be alone in the room.  It's always very crowded and of course you can't see Michelangelo's artwork close up as you can here
It's especially spectacular if you have a large high-definition screen

  Michelangelo's Masterpiece 

Virtually View  
Just hold left mouse button and drag your arrow in the direction of the part you wish to see.  In the lower left of the screen, click on the plus (+) to move  closer, on the minus (-) to move away
Move your arrow around to get to every part of the chapel

1 comment:

deanna7trees said...

have been here before. wonderful viewing. lots of the museums are doing this and it is wonderful for those of us who can't be there in person. i so love that floor. thanks.