Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Ten Days Continued

Over many days,
 in between sporadic storms
 Four old metal chairs got sanded
and freshly greened
So too seven tables
Some for the lawn, others for the gazebo
Fuchsia for five more chairs
 Inside the barn on rainy mornings
 Eggshell white for the garden bench
Labors of love


grace Forrest~Maestas said...

hey girl..who's that on your hat?

you do good work!

Ms. said...

Hey Grace--it's a little rabbit pin, a snippet of an illustration from one of Jackie Morris's books. On a future post there will be more rabbits, iron ones I had a conversation with one morning and recorded it on a little amusing video.

deanna7trees said...

looks like it was a busy, productive time away. welcome back.

Deb Lacativa said...

I love that face, all full of Mischief and Life.

Peggy said...

Hi Michelle. I love before & afters. Especially when someone else has done all the work. Everything sparkling. Even you! xx