Sunday, August 31, 2014


August  24th
Charlie Parker Jazz Festival
Tompkins Square Park
hundreds of folks--the young and old, rich or poor, a mix of multiple ethnicity--gather to relax with each other
with their critters
to people watch
and dance
take photos

hang out together
till sunset finally drifts us apart...

August 25th
Writing from prompts by the Amherst Method
with two friends, one cat, and
 a dear dog named 'Button'
 On the way home, I'm encouraged by this sunflower still growing wild in front of a store that's been closed for more than a year

 August 26th
Patabi Joi
At Broome Street Temple for the monthly chanting of
The Hanuman Chalisa with long time yogi friends
Krishna Das Sings the Chalisa
English translation on screen

August 27th
New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care
Shunryu Suzuki Roshi
A feather for my departing friend Amaranth
(she died Friday afternoon)
(Audio Link)

"The Other Shore"

August 28th
Two audio books from my library:

1. Alan Bradley--The utterly delightful first of the
Flavia De Luce Series
2. Amitav Ghosh-second in his "ambitious"
Ibis Trilogy

August 29th
Free performance of the Isadora Dance Company
Members of the current company allow us to watch their creative process as they reconstruct "The Dance of The Priestesses"
 Based on the myth of Iphigenia, daughter of Agamemnon, the leader of the Greek coalition before and during the Trojan War. The original solo from 1903 abstractly depicted the tragic ironies of the life of Iphigenia. Isadora later added additional figures, expanding the piece to reflect the support of Iphigenias fellow priestesses. She then set the piece on her Company dancers, including Anna Duncan, one of her six adopted artistic daughters. There are records of Isadora performing the piece in 1911 at Chatelet Theater, Paris.
Lori Belilove, Kim D'Agnese, Morgana Rose Mellett, Emily D'Angelo, Faith Kimberling

August 30th
Holy Basil
Given to me by one of my favorite plant sellers at the farmers market where I restocked my pollen elixir, and filled my spirit with the bounty of harvest time
about to bloom
(Wiki link)
Took a walk and met my favorite neighborhood dog
Back at the computer uh-oh
while answering email
Channel Thirteen
Escape back to 1952 tonight

August 31st
Last year in Massachusetts
“Treat every moment as your last. It is not preparation for something else.” 
-Shunryu Suzuki Roshi-


Mo Crow said...

beautiful post Michelle and that last line is powerful true

jude said...

quite a diary.... walking through your days....

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

to see the Jazz Festival, the
celebration of humans there
warms my Heart and gives me
such hope. I remember someone
asking the Dalai Lama what he
thought would help human kind and he thought quietly, burst into a smile and said.."more picnics!"
so here's to more of what you
gave's TO it

Velma Bolyard said...

a new york diary is so different from a northern new york diary! hurrah sunflower!