Wednesday, August 6, 2014


This is not Fall in August.  It's the result of pollutants in our air here in New York City.
You can monitor your own daily air quality nationwide with this live streaming map site

On this day in 1945 the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan at 8:15 in the morning. It exploded 1,900 feet above the ground.
Capt. Robert Lewis watched the explosion from his cockpit and wrote in his journal, "My God, what have we done?"

A clip from "Insignificance"
1985 British comedy-drama film directed by Nicolas Roeg, adapted by Terry Johnson from his play of the same name. The film is set in 1954, with most of the action taking place in a hotel room in New York City. The action revolves around the interplay of four characters who represent iconic figures of the era, Marilyn Monroe, Joseph McCarthy, Joe DiMaggio, and Albert Einstein called The Actress, The Senator, The Ballplayer, and The Professor, respectively.

How Einstein Saw The World
Though really interesting, I'm pretty sure the film has been corrupted in some way.....Besides going out of synch about a third in..the end goes silent as soon as the Rosenbergs are mentioned, and then it just quits...Well, such is media in the internet the world.  I noticed the poster was someone named Nam Ngo and that might have something to do with censoring this film.  I could not find it directly at PBS but I might phone the station and see what I can find out.
50 minutes



grace Forrest~Maestas said...

2 days now i try to see the
Einstein program but it keeps
stalling. i get a little further
each time. Tomorrow morning, i'll
try again
thank you for putting it here

Ms. said...

Grace--and anyone else who visits. The film has problems. I amended the post to describe that.