Friday 10/3
The National Arts Club
Photographs by Jonathan Jakubowicz
Two Exhibits
"The Soft Sculpture of Charles James"
but the world's best and only dressmaker"
with Eric T. Norris
He treated us to a tasty lunch at
Ponty Bistro
Saturday 10/4
Begonia in the morning at
New York Zen Center for Compassionate Care
Sunday 10/5
Morning Zen again
Circle Altered by Sunlight
Transition at Home
Metric Poetry Reading
Ottos Tiki Bar on 14th Street
Inside in the dark back room Meredith Bergman read beautifully
See previous post Part two
Joshua Mehigan was utterly mesmerizing
One of the poems he read was 'Smokestack'
and below he also reads 'Rabbit Foot'
Many others read, but I didn't write all the names so won't put any names I know for fear of favoring. All were fine and the very full house enthusiastic.
Exit All
Our fortunes were available two doors away
The Moving Pen
my writing group meets near here
and around the corner from here
two hours later I walked home

The moon was a tipped egg
Tuesday 10/7
Yoga for Mental Wellness
Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews
The Breathing Project
Wednesday 10/8
was rudely awakened from a troubling dream by a furry feeling at my
neck at 3AM--spent an hour stripping the bed and looking for
openings (of which there are many)...((((sigh)))) 'Tis the season for
this and now I must DO something about it.
The day dissolved into emails, face book, research and reading.
I watched this documentary
"Exit Through the Gift Shop"
Thursday 10/9
Resting, Reading , Writing, Being
"Thinkers in ancient India understood the source and direction of the creative impulse as accessible deep within their being in moments of intuitive insight. Various verses in the Rgveda reflect the idea that certain people possess within a transformative genius or dhi"
-from The Artist as Yogi-The Yogi as Artist by William K. Mahony
Parabola-Volume xiii-Number 1-1988-The Creative Impulse-
Friday 10/10
I'm going to the movies
"The Autobiography of a Yogi"
by Paramahansa Yogananda
Available through the Gutenberg organization
free download in various formats
The day dissolved into emails, face book, research and reading.
I watched this documentary
(eighty minutes)
~*~Thursday 10/9
Resting, Reading , Writing, Being
"Thinkers in ancient India understood the source and direction of the creative impulse as accessible deep within their being in moments of intuitive insight. Various verses in the Rgveda reflect the idea that certain people possess within a transformative genius or dhi"
-from The Artist as Yogi-The Yogi as Artist by William K. Mahony
Parabola-Volume xiii-Number 1-1988-The Creative Impulse-
Friday 10/10
I'm going to the movies
by Paramahansa Yogananda
Available through the Gutenberg organization
free download in various formats
I am entertaining the notion that Wednesdays mouse was just a vivid part of the dream since there has been no sign of it since. It does happen that if a dream element wakes one violently the portal remains open and the vision seems real. This is usually an important dream, and mine was that.
since Tazmeena has "retired", there
is the Tin Cat, baited daily with
peanut butter. Then in the morning
the drive or walk to release.
the movie tonight...ahhhh. You
have SO MUCH at hand there....
Took me a minute but I finally realized what that the tin 'cat' baited with peanut butter is a mouse it a killer? I mean how does it work?
In any case, It's been many days since the 'mouse' waking and I'm really-really thinking the furry thing was in my dream--that I just woke too fast to realize that, and thought it was real. I have had visceral dreams that felt real and remembered them with all their somatic sensations. The point of the dream was the last image (which was quite benign but was an answer to the disturbance the dream was struggling with)...I think the dream 'mouse' woke me so I could know that answer. Do YOU know what I mean?
Yes---MANY things, events at hand, but "AWAKE" will be coming to New Mexico and will eventually be in a video format for all who have players or computers.
it's a tin box, flat, with two entry
ways...either end that can be entered
but do not allow xit. a little blob
of peanut butter is irresistable.
It opens like a cigar box. so you
just carry it far enough away that
you think the mouse cannot find it's
way back and open the top an BING!
mouse jumps out and runs off. I take
these usually up the road a ways.
Dear Tazmeena used to do constant
mouse patrol and was 100000% effective
but no more. and living amidst fields
AND having that big shed out there with so much animal feed in's become
like a Theme Park here for the mice.
And yes...i know exactly about the dreaming...Exactly. I have this too and am grateful for it.
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