Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Turned these into Cubed potatoes baked with Parmesan cheese,
Sauteed onion with pecans, and Salmon chunks with thyme
The first episode of the last season began and ended
 Arctic air descended on Monday.  I payed bills,
shivered all the way to the post office and back.

The Essence of Zen

Everything Changes
Everything is Connected
Pay Attention


Marti said...

Quiet joys to you Michelle in 2016. I admire the way your find them; walking your city, taking us along with you as you experience your days. Ah my dear, for the next,I believe it will be 7 weeks, off we go into the world of the Crawleys. I too am a Downton Abbey fan. For Sunday's episode, the first of the last season, I made an exception from using a mug for my tea to using the one China tea cup that I kept from my Mother.One has to maintain standards when saluting this program.(Now didn't that sound like Dowager Countess Violet!)

As an aside, it was fascinating to see a floral replica of the Crawley estate at the Tournament of Roses parade. Fittingly, it won the Queen's trophy.


Peggy said...

Wasn't Downton Abbey wonderful? I thought so MUCH, maybe too much?, happened in the first episode, are they cramming that much into it every time this last season? Regardless it will be a pleasurable next two months, tv-wise. I like Marti up there using a proper tea cup while watching. Would like to do that as well but I'd have to actually buy one first.

Changing, connecting, paying attention....trying anyway....xoxo

Yvette said...

The beautifull essence of Zen

Love Michellle