Thursday, March 30, 2017

BEAUTIFUL + Post Script

March 28th
 Feeling somewhat better today. The rash is almost gone.  My angel yogi friend, Joanne, delivered groceries this morning and gave me the best ever hug. Hugs heal.
(Smiling on the inside)

March 29th
If the owl stands for wisdom
what does the Senate of the United States stand for
having just voted by a small margin that climate change
is not the fault of humans.  Was that wise?

When the screech owl screes
what does the rodent populace underground know?
To burrow deeper, to count it's blessings, prepare to die.

 I have similar wisdom in these matters.

What matters then on this night,
that we be wrong or right in our endless calculus?
Perhaps the Western owl knows what the East does not.

I have no definitive answer, but to listen closely.

March 30th
"All those who believe in psychokinesis, raise my hand."
-Stephen Wright-
"What does a dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac spend most of her time doing? Staying up all night wondering if there really is a dog."
-not attributed-

"Buzz and the Dandelion"
(from Wendy Golden levitt)

I open my eyes to bright blue skies
March 31st
Tomorrow is my clinic visit and tests, fortunately I will be accompanied to and from it by taxi cab with my dear and compassionate friend 'Archangel' Michael.
Miserable day Friday for travel to the clinic but my dear friend used an application on his smart phone to get us a cab ! The usual forty minute wait to be seen and, after blood pressure and weight measurements, the cursory run through of questions and answers while the poor MD types into her computer forms, then a blood screen down the hall done by an excellent nurse, and we were off by 5Pm and home in a cab by 6 to share broth and conversation for a few hours. I will hear about the results in three weeks at a follow up visit unless I get a call that the doctor was alarmed about anything in particular.  I also got a referral to a clinic near home for an evaluation of my leg aches.  Today my yogi angel will visit around 4 with a few food items.  


  1. (((Michelle))) be well, so good to see your sense of humour is still intact!

  2. Stephen Wright has long been a favorite ... and good humor is always welcome

  3. so glad you're feeling better -- must come back to sample all that is here, but mostly wanted to see how you were doing!

  4. Michelle, I hope that you will truly be well. The first photo is very beautiful.

  5. ok then. a few steps at a time then
    WAIT close to forever. but ok.

    i keep feeling uneasy about just broth. Is there nothing that has
    substance that can be tolerated? rice even?

  6. Ah, humor and hugs! You are so right in that we need both! Always loved Steven Wright, as did my mama. :)

  7. Oh dear Michelle, what lovely wholes and holes you share. Thank you for your part in NY, in the whole. And "Buzz and the Dandelions!!"


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