Saturday, August 5, 2017


July wilts into August
Tuesday August 1st 2017

"All the news Fit to Print"
The New York Times as Coverlet with the "Daily News" for mattress

Wednesday evening after "Readings From the Masters" monthly gathering with Joan Suval of Ananda Ashram where I spent several years as part time resident.
(see two links)
Flowers Joan gave me shared with my wheel-chaired bus companion.

Transcribing and Editing 
Mondays Prompt resulted in a flash fiction piece titled 
(I will post here as soon as I figure out how to attach a page)

Blue Night over Manhattan

Practically Free Vacation
Traveled to  the wild coast of Ireland while reading a neighbors discarded New York Times over a breakfast of sliced egg on buttered toast.
(cost approximately $ .48)

Ten elders (9 gals and 1 guy) at the Stein Senior Center on East 23rd street watching "Lion" after the $2 lunch. 
(see link)
 Movie Trailer

Overheard Conversation
"I'm due this weekend!"

Neighborhood regular with hand-carved walking stick.
(note: not friendly-fierce)

Looking West Friday evening at 7PM, temperature a balmy 80 degrees.
Food Shopping
Sign at exit from "Trader Joe" Third Avenue at 32nd Street

"Think Big"
(see link)
Jim Rennarts Sculpture
Now outside 222 East 34th Street

 "National Society of Colonial Dames" 
Civic Club East 34th Street
(see link)

Anonymous Boys Laughing
Zipping up after peeing on the Epiphany church garden on Second Avenue at the corner of 22nd Street.


"Readings From the Masters"
Ananda Ashram

The true Story
The Film Trailer

"Think Big"
Began at Union Square now moved to E. 34th Street

Society of Colonial Dames


  1. what a buzz, love all the photos, did you enjoy the Lion film?

  2. Yup I enjoyed "Lion" but find the true story even more fascinating.

  3. Mo-- go to the links and it's there (true story)


I look forward to your responses.