Friday, September 15, 2017



Bagpipes from the thirteenth precinct...
  I photographed from my fire escape on the third floor after the proceedings.
There was silence at 8:45 a.m and  then speeches of course.
  The street was closed.
In 2001 the precinct became Police Central Headquarters since the one downtown had been damaged, and you couldn't get on or off the block without ID for at least a month, maybe more. My memory fails me about time-time stood still.
 It was intense being here then. I had seen people covered in dust staggering, streaming up the Avenues. Everything had shut down. People walked from the towers to wherever they had to go. It was a fearful time. No one knew what would happen next. We were all in deep shock. All street lights were out by sundown adding darkness to the mix. Bus and Train service stopped. We were isolated, shut off from the world. My portable radio kept me informed and I've had a drawer full of candles, a five gallon honey jar of matches, several flashlights, extra batteries, gallons of water and a 'Go' bag ready ever since.
  There were funeral services every other day with ceremonial bagpipers playing for weeks at the local church where I did the garden with Emily Leonard who spent  a good deal of her retirement on the project of establishing a perennial plot.
Looking toward the west I noticed this lovely garden
 I'd not seen it until I stepped out onto the fire escape.
I went down to the street
 This precinct lost many friends...
 and three of it's own
 Neighbors left flowers.
 Detective Brian McLeod
 We sat on the stoop and he told me he lost family and many friends.
It was a somber start to the day.

 Lunch time Meditation
Tibet House
(see link)
Contemplative Practice as Social Practice
with Susanna Nicholson
Seeing, like a Tourist Sees
Walking East across 14th Street
I looked up. I'd never seen this hand.
 The trappings of devotion for sale at this store
 Friend Wendy introduced me to Helen Chen at "International Haircutters"
and I had a really great wash and cut for Sixteen dollars.

Further East, more tributes
Fire company Five
Among the many heroes of that day.
Of the 2,977 victims killed in the September 11 attacks, 412 were emergency workers in New York City who responded to the World Trade Center included:343 firefighters (including a chaplain and two paramedics) of the New York City Fire Department--37 police officers of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department--23 police officers of the New York City Police Department8 emergency medical technicians and paramedics from private emergency medical service and
1 Patrolman from the New York Fire Patrol.
 Article lists those emergency workers who died while fulfilling their duties at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001
(see link)
Heading uptown along First Avenue...
further on...
with the night falling we are saying thank you
we are stopping on the bridges to bow from the railings
we are running out of the glass rooms
with our mouths full of food to look at the sky
and say thank you
we are standing by the water thanking it
smiling by the windows looking out
in our directions

back from a series of hospitals back from a mugging
after funerals we are saying thank you
after the news of the dead
whether or not we knew them we are saying thank you

over telephones we are saying thank you
in doorways and in the backs of cars and in elevators
remembering wars and the police at the door
and the beatings on stairs we are saying thank you
in the banks we are saying thank you
in the faces of the officials and the rich
and of all who will never change
we go on saying thank you thank you

with the animals dying around us
our lost feelings we are saying thank you
with the forests falling faster than the minutes
of our lives we are saying thank you
with the words going out like cells of a brain
with the cities growing over us
we are saying thank you faster and faster
with nobody listening we are saying thank you
we are saying thank you and waving
dark though it is
(Thanks by W.S. Merwin)

The singular Image I shall never forget
(only a blurry screen shot)  ~*~

"Tribute in Light" as seen from my neighborhood.
An art installation of 88 searchlights placed six blocks south of the World Trade Center to create two vertical columns of light to represent the Twin Towers in remembrance of the September 11 attacks.It is produced annually by the Municipal Art Society of New York.


  1. That image is searing, the weight of those numbers, that trauma shared by so many so directly, is impossible still to really understand.
    Thank you for sharing your experience.

  2. As time flies by This will always haunt. You give us such an intimate glimpse into the City and your daily life. It is so appreciated.

  3. Oh Michelle. The weight of the images, the heart of your wards and the depth of "Thanks"...makes me well up in appreciation of this experience of yours, of so many, of our nation. Peace be with you dear one.


I look forward to your responses.