Thursday, July 12, 2018


 (Problem while downloading photos from my visit to the performance in Central park Sunday, I got a message saying "photos can't be saved. Remove some photos". I don't want to lose the photos I saved, but never-mind for now, I found a temporary work-around.)


Harlem Meer Central Park

 Everyone was dancing free form 
The Band
"The Queens Cartoonists"
Jazz inspired by cartoons 
Elders and youngsters together

and every one in between
Families at ease

Heading Home

 "Let there be songs to fill the air"
<iframe width="560" height="315" src=";controls=0&amp;showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Listening to CD Book
Read by the author
A fairly dry, fact heavy history of the Supreme Court

I'm rereading a favorite Fiction
"The invincible appeal of this book is in it formidably charming characters and in the multitude of intelligent reflections on pets, burnt out cars, learning and scholarship and much,much more."

 In the evening, two hours with my writing group. We are having an Art show opening on the 20th with each of us performing a written piece as well and the art will hang through August. I've been working on finishing this drawing due the 16th.


This and that until evening,
then sitting Zazen at the Zendo

 Quick trip to Trader Joe
Before rain falls


While searching for something else, I stumbled upon this in an old letter to a friend (Grace Forest):
'Your Karma is the flowering of impressions from the past, the memory of which exists encoded in the neurons of your nervous system. When triggered, each appearance of it presents an opportunity for deeper understanding and the possibility of escaping further suffering by being conscious enough to make a choice of how you act, rather than simply reacting in the usual way.'


Raven and Sparrow said...

I, too, love "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" and have re-read it several times.
The people in the park look like summer.

Mo Crow said...

ah that red suit is splendid and your thoughts on karma are a wonderful inspiration for this New Moon!

Deb G said...

The Elegance of the Hedgehog has intrigued me, I'll be sure to read it now. As always, love seeing your glimpse of life.