July 2019
Illuminated messages on the Streets are ubiquitous. Example: but, not on our building roof where we may never go now, not even to lie down quietly with neighbors and watch meteor showers as once we did when we were a community.
This corner where I catch a moon when looking east will soon be blocked. The buildings there have been gutted and all is waiting for the developer to make the move.
This corner on eighth Avenue, abandoned for years, will be the next big Chelsea condominium when the owners get their 'ducks' lined up.
The picket gals, Joan and Carol + Riley
Visiting from the Carolinas
Used to be my next-door neighbors. They were in residence when I arrived in 1969. We shared the third floor fire escape windows for decades and many stories.
They were shocked by overpopulation and all the construction and destruction of the past we knew and couldn't wait to get home
Last Zendo sit before closing for a week long Seshin Retreat
Sunset at the Hudson River Park
Computer Savior, compassionate Fred, having spent two hours clearing up a few of the many messes i made on my system, he stops to pose for me with my adopted Pot Garden.
I was lost without the Zendo, so planned to visit with Joan Suval meditation, but found I had written the wrong address and was many blocks away and an hour late when I gave up and simply wandered until tired enough to head home.
Lonely sunflower like me and the distant moon.
Sangha members making cranes before meditation to send to a detention center protest being organized by a Japanese monk
Grateful for their return.
Sangha friend Carol gave me her extra copy,
Koshin Wrote
In-Betweens Street Finds and Others encountered:
Very fine chair
I moved it from the top of a garbage pile and placed it here, hoping someone would take it home. Someone did.
Worker, Mother and 'mench' I chat with when shopping at the 24/7 Supermarket a few blocks West. We've exchanged personal histories in bits and pieces, developing a sympathetic acquaintance over time.
Parked on Park Avenue
In New York City News
Fifteen rider deaths in the past months. There are memorials and protests with bikers demanding protection.
Full Moon Meditation
Closing Show at Tibet House
"Body Of Light"
Romio Shrestha
Born in1960 Kathmandu, Nepa has devoted his time to preserving the ancient art of thangka painting. Romio and Sophie, his Irish wife who is also a painter, have spent the last twenty eight years together exhibiting and teaching around the world and developing the art of thangka painting in Kathmandu along with Romio’s atelier of artists. They live in Ireland and Nepal with their four daughters Amber, Topaz, Metta and Jaya. By carefully balancing the traditional and his own expression, Romio has developed his own style and is constantly breaking new ground. His work can be found in the permanent collections of The British Museum and The Victoria and Albert Museum in London, The Chester Beatty Library in Dublin Ireland, The American Museum of Natural History in New York, and other museums around the world.
4:30 p.m.
Storm Brewing
7:30 p.m.
Storm Breaks
Lightning, Thunder, Rain
I was drenched to the skin, ducking in doorways to try for a shot. Alas I just wasn't quick enough or practiced enough and didn't want to shoot continuously for fear of filling the card.
Serious Heat Wave begins with a weekend of temperatures in the nineties that rise to 100-115 degrees with heat index and I pray the electric company can manage to keep all our cooling systems going, that the homeless are rescued, that the refugee finds refuge.
Currant Politics
He knows what bait to use: outrageous declarations and odious actions. Just remember It's a Trap. He's got his eyes on the prize: Another four years. I'm outraged and disgusted again and again, but I agree with Nancy Pelosi that we need to keep passionate emotion in check and our focus on the prize: his defeat in the next election. If we are successful, lawyers of conscience can pursue his immense criminality and exact penalties for his responsibility in all the consequences his actions have had on everything they've touched. Let him spend the rest of his life and fortune being diminished, one legal bite at a time until only his bare bones are left to testify, until he is a dark memory, a brief paragraph in the history of crimes against humanity.
Illuminated messages on the Streets are ubiquitous. Example: but, not on our building roof where we may never go now, not even to lie down quietly with neighbors and watch meteor showers as once we did when we were a community.
This corner where I catch a moon when looking east will soon be blocked. The buildings there have been gutted and all is waiting for the developer to make the move.
This corner on eighth Avenue, abandoned for years, will be the next big Chelsea condominium when the owners get their 'ducks' lined up.
The picket gals, Joan and Carol + Riley
Visiting from the Carolinas
They were shocked by overpopulation and all the construction and destruction of the past we knew and couldn't wait to get home
Last Zendo sit before closing for a week long Seshin Retreat
Sunset at the Hudson River Park
Computer Savior, compassionate Fred, having spent two hours clearing up a few of the many messes i made on my system, he stops to pose for me with my adopted Pot Garden.
I was lost without the Zendo, so planned to visit with Joan Suval meditation, but found I had written the wrong address and was many blocks away and an hour late when I gave up and simply wandered until tired enough to head home.
Lonely sunflower like me and the distant moon.
Sangha members making cranes before meditation to send to a detention center protest being organized by a Japanese monk
Grateful for their return.
Sangha friend Carol gave me her extra copy,
Koshin Wrote
In-Betweens Street Finds and Others encountered:
Very fine chair
I moved it from the top of a garbage pile and placed it here, hoping someone would take it home. Someone did.
Worker, Mother and 'mench' I chat with when shopping at the 24/7 Supermarket a few blocks West. We've exchanged personal histories in bits and pieces, developing a sympathetic acquaintance over time.
Parked on Park Avenue
In New York City News
Fifteen rider deaths in the past months. There are memorials and protests with bikers demanding protection.
Full Moon Meditation
Closing Show at Tibet House
"Body Of Light"
Romio Shrestha
4:30 p.m.
Storm Brewing
7:30 p.m.
Storm Breaks
Lightning, Thunder, Rain
I was drenched to the skin, ducking in doorways to try for a shot. Alas I just wasn't quick enough or practiced enough and didn't want to shoot continuously for fear of filling the card.
Serious Heat Wave begins with a weekend of temperatures in the nineties that rise to 100-115 degrees with heat index and I pray the electric company can manage to keep all our cooling systems going, that the homeless are rescued, that the refugee finds refuge.
Currant Politics
He knows what bait to use: outrageous declarations and odious actions. Just remember It's a Trap. He's got his eyes on the prize: Another four years. I'm outraged and disgusted again and again, but I agree with Nancy Pelosi that we need to keep passionate emotion in check and our focus on the prize: his defeat in the next election. If we are successful, lawyers of conscience can pursue his immense criminality and exact penalties for his responsibility in all the consequences his actions have had on everything they've touched. Let him spend the rest of his life and fortune being diminished, one legal bite at a time until only his bare bones are left to testify, until he is a dark memory, a brief paragraph in the history of crimes against humanity.
(((Michelle))) Wow! 50 years in one place, I can't even imagine what that must be like, the joys and the sadnesses of seeing the changes in the Big Apple, I have lived in 49 houses in 64 years on this planet!
the year I graduated high school.
Such a revealing and rich report of a month in the life of ... you ARE a treasure! I cannot believe that it is already August! I. Annoy believe how much walking and visiting and observing and interacting you do! With love for weather and clerks and abandoned chairs and the moon. Well of course the moon, but so much else. I think you know that I disagree about impeachment but that’s a conversation I’ve had too many times of late and we both know the pros and cons.
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