Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Overcast, Warm and Windy

 "Animal Fables from Aesop"
(Great Glean from Discards)
Adapted and illustrated by Barbara McClintock:
The fox and the Crow, The Fox and the Crane, The town Mouse and the country Mouse, The Wolf and the Crane, The Fox and the Cat, The Wolf and the Cat, The Wolf and the Lamb, The Crow and the Peacocks, The Fox and the Grapes, The Wolf and the Dog.
Self Care
Checked Myself with my Battery Run Pulse-Oximeter.
Measures pulse rate per minute and Oxygen content.
Any number under 100 is okay
Over that, pay attention.

I did various chores mindlessly throughout the afternoon.
(no cat)


6 p.m.
Storm Approaching Fast. West 23rd Street N.Y.C.

Evening at the Zendo
"Mindfulness and Intimacy"
by Ben Connely
(with Koshin Paley Ellison)



9 p.m.
Home in the rain, late supper,