Thursday, February 27, 2020


Council at the Zendo
We pass the talking stick
Each one present speaks their mind
from the heart
 Meditation reflected on a window

2.25 2020
Rainy and warm
JoAnne Takes Books
At last, a gardener and Activist
My friend, JoAnn goes through five boxes
Consolidates them and takes two to be used well
in her ongoing work of beautifying Manhattan
with cooperation and a budget from the Parks Department
We had tea and laughs too.

Still Rainy and warmish

 Evening at the Zendo
Special thoughts for 'Gokan' in recovery

Event News
An Art Opening Friday 2.27 

 Free Poetry In March

1 comment:

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

the books...moving along to good use...How GREAT!!!