Wednesday, July 8, 2020


JULY 7TH 2020
4 p.m.
 hand in hand
 The stupid push to reopen which has resulted in many more positive cases in many States
 7 p.m.
 8:30 p.m.
Father Brown
"The Hammer of God"
1 hour and 25 minutes
(it repeats part which you should skip)
Bow-tie pasta with olives, cooked kale and chicken bits
in vegetable Broth.

11 p.m.
Google crashed three times and obliterated all my tabs
(there were many)
I followed the instructions to restore them
to no avail.
I wrote to a friend who used to visit to untangle computer issues for me, but alas not possible with the lock down:
"In essence, I'm starting anew. Maybe that's a good thing, but Isn't it annoying to be captive of what one has no control over. Like the pandemic and the powers that be, we are slaves to the current reality. My Buddhist self says-okay, everything changes. It's just a fact."

July 8th
8 p.m.
I can no longer upload new photos. Apparently the crash also lost the connection to my photo program and I must admit to huge disappointment. This may be my last blog post if I don't get some help.


1 comment:

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

i will ASK
that help appears. This isn't a time for forsaken
Blogs by any of Us.
i thought tho, as i looked off into the Trees, your words
here... you, i think i understand, are active on you would be able to continue there? at least?

things are so tenuous
BIG LOVE, michelle