Saturday, August 20, 2011


August 20th

"Silent Muse"

I'm working with the computer,
constructing a "Silent-Muse Saturday" post for next week.
I'm also devoting time to hand work on a 'Magic Feather'
patch-design finally ready for stitching.

Feather Applique

Design Tracing
I like a sound-track background when I'm working like this,
to occupy my wandering mind,
while my hands act independently on a chosen task.
In the country, nature provides one constant, variable
stream of audio information dawn to dawn. 
In this City, I provide my own with the aid of a headset.
Sometimes Bach will do it, the mathematically
endless variations on a theme ones.
But 'David Darling' never fails me
This cut leads on to a string of his compositions
if you just let it play on.

Perhaps, sans media, silent, except for City noises,
I'll get to a little trimming over at the garden, 
if the weather allows for some sunlight interludes
between these scattered storms.

 Spirit-Muse Sunday, and Music-Muse Monday posts
are done, and scheduled to publish.

All Is Well with me.
May all be well with you.


nandas said...

your blog looks great! i like the new header... i am glad you are going to make a feather. i will eventually... life gets in the way of stitching sometimes. is your buddha in your garden?
i always enjoy coming here! its so peaceful. thanks.

deanna7trees said...

you sure did devise a way to make a feather quickly and easily. i love the drawing with the feather trapped in the fence railing. have a great day.

liniecat said...

I really like the way your piecing the feather, great sue of the fabric that.
And Im suckered with the music........Im going to have to seek that out for my funeral lol but play it alot before then too!

Ms. said...

After Jude posted that wonderful applique tutorial, I realized I had a way, and with the addition of scraps from this old shirt I loved, but wore to fraying, mended a great many times, and still couldn't part with, I was able to add the colorful element, and get the first piece moving. As for funeral music, well, I'm opting for a New Orleans funeral parade band (if I have a say in it).

Ms. said...

Thanks Deanna...Jude gave me the answer of applique and I was relieved of the stitching for this first patch. I'll have time to practice the stitched feather later on. For now, i just want to get one done before August evaporates. Hope you're having a great day too.

Ms. said...

Hi Nandas- glad you like the header (photo from the church garden I tend, and the buddha-tree-stone Silent Muse is in front of the main house at Ananda Ashram in Monroe New York where I spent some years as a part time resident to my great benefit. Don't worry about life getting in the way. There is time for the pleasure of creation.
remember, Jude's project is "slow cloth".

Nancy said...

Tracing...nice idea! It is always interesting to visit here...there's so much to see! Thanks for all you share.

Ms. said...

Hey Nance-I love following your Trail (except for the tiny type). you have a lovely mix there.