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Harvests End
"Samhain" in the Gaelic language, still in use in much of Ireland,
Scotland, and Wales today is the word for November,
the Beginning of The Celtic New Year.
The Promised Womb
the Beginning of The Celtic New Year.
Featured Group
Dead Can Dance
Coming Home Promised Womb
"The eve of the New Year "Oidhche Shamhna" is a gap in time.
Thus, the spirits from the Other-World can enter into this world.
Rituals include providing hospitality to ancestors
with food and drink.
Windows and doors of homes are left open
for the dead to enter.
But all spirits from the Other-World are not good.
To keep evil spirits away from the home, carved images of
spirit-guardians on turnips (pumpkins today) are placed at the doors.
People wear strange costumes,
and walk about, pretending to be dead spirits.
Boys and girls also dress as members of the opposite sex,
playing pranks on the elders.
Toward The Within
"Death is never very far away, yet to die is not a tragedy.
What is of great importance is to die with honor,
to live in the memory of the clan, and be honored at the great feast,
Fleadh nan Mairbh (Feast of the Dead) on Samhain Eve."
"In many Gaelic homes, a seomra thiar, or 'room to the West' is kept, sometimes just an alcove or nook, where objects that remind one
of the departed are kept. At sunset, turn towards the setting sun
and spend time in loving remembrance of them.
Light a candle for each soul,
then, on to a communal feast in their honor."
"Separation between past, present and future becomes blurred,
allowing for glimpses, not only into the realm of the Forever Young,
but also things which have not yet come to pass.
Divination is historically popular at Samhain."
"The eve of the New Year "Oidhche Shamhna" is a gap in time.
Thus, the spirits from the Other-World can enter into this world.
The Unfolding include providing hospitality to ancestors
with food and drink.
Windows and doors of homes are left open
for the dead to enter.
But all spirits from the Other-World are not good.
To keep evil spirits away from the home, carved images of
spirit-guardians on turnips (pumpkins today) are placed at the doors.
People wear strange costumes,
and walk about, pretending to be dead spirits.
Boys and girls also dress as members of the opposite sex,
playing pranks on the elders.
Toward The Within
"Death is never very far away, yet to die is not a tragedy.
What is of great importance is to die with honor,
to live in the memory of the clan, and be honored at the great feast,
Fleadh nan Mairbh (Feast of the Dead) on Samhain Eve."
Solace"In many Gaelic homes, a seomra thiar, or 'room to the West' is kept, sometimes just an alcove or nook, where objects that remind one
of the departed are kept. At sunset, turn towards the setting sun
and spend time in loving remembrance of them.
Light a candle for each soul,
then, on to a communal feast in their honor."
The Wind That Shakes the Barley"Separation between past, present and future becomes blurred,
allowing for glimpses, not only into the realm of the Forever Young,
but also things which have not yet come to pass.
Divination is historically popular at Samhain."
did the boundary between this world and the Other-World dissolve,
but the structure of society dissolved too.
The Writers Almanac
chock full of ghost stories today
but the structure of society dissolved too.
The Writers Almanac
chock full of ghost stories today
Druid Blessing
May there be peace in the North; May there be peace in the South;
May there be peace in the West; May there be peace in the East.
May there be peace
throughout the whole world.
May there be peace in the North; May there be peace in the South;
May there be peace in the West; May there be peace in the East.
May there be peace
throughout the whole world.
Halloween Essay
by Caroline Oakes
"Halloween can be as grace-filled as it is black-dark,
a night to discover, year after year, that when we venture out into the darkness of the unknown, the night can be beautiful. Others are kind. Evil is actually a lot like a monster mask,
and after an exhilarating few hours of exploring the dark,
we can always return to the light of home, safe and sound."
and after an exhilarating few hours of exploring the dark,
we can always return to the light of home, safe and sound."
read the whole text
Blessed Be
happy halloween. congratulations to nance.
Haooy Hallow'een to all-I am posting Nandes original comment here because I don't know how to reach her-there is no email on her site that I can find so if anyone knows how to email her-please email me and tell me-
nandas said...
thank you for the pema chodron videos. it was good for me to listen again. i am looking forward to the next one when i have the hour to listen. thank you... you have so many good good posts. i even like how you do them in advance. its a model that i may be able to adopt. i can never seem to stay on top of posting on a regular basis. thank you again.
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