Spirit Muse

Wordle by Ms. of the following Poem
Halloween Reflections
by Judy Kamilhor
my costume
a full-length mirror:
I'm going as you
A brilliant poet of contemporary haiku,
and so much more.
Her Site
by Ms.
One that feels like your spiritis in the right skin.
One that reflects who you really are,
who you always wanted to be.
One that exhibits who you are not.
Sky mask with a heart bridge
"Do what you will-Do no harm."
"The beginning of Winter - A time marked by death.
It's time to celebrate and study the Mysteries."
"On this night the veil Between the Worlds
is at its thinnest point, an excellent time
to communicate with the Other Side.
Symbols include Jack-O-Lanterns, Bale-fires, Masks,
The Besom (Magical Broom), The Cauldron,
and the Waning Moon."
Speaking of Decorations
what arrived in the mail!
Poet and Artist, Wendy Videlock's gorgeous
"The Red One"
(Alcohol Ink on Yuppo)
See More At
"Decorations also include foods from the harvest
photographs of departed loved ones
Appropriate Deities for Samhain
include all Crone Goddesses
Hecate, Hel, Inanna, Macha, Mara,
Psyche, Ishtar, Lilith,
Morrigan, Rhiannon, and Cerridwen
to name a few"
"During this time in the Wheel of the Year
"During this time in the Wheel of the Year
remember return, change,
endings and beginnings.
Honor the Dead,
the Wisdom of the Crone,
the death of the God, and
the Celebration of Reincarnation."
Still Blooming
Montaulk Daisies
Here's a last Rose for thee
Blessed Be
Spring Will Come Again
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