Tuesday, November 29, 2011


World Muse

Posted by Theadora
I'm just passing it along for others who care about
Terri Windling

"Let me tell you about the auction to benefit Terri Windling.
Terri has been one of the benefactresses of the
fantasy community for many years.  She is a writer,
artist, and editor, and writes one of my favorite blogs,
The Drawing Board
She is also one of the loveliest people you are ever like to meet.
Because she’s been dealing with medical and legal issues,
her friends have set up an auction to help her out.
The most astonishing things are being auctioned:
art by some of the best fantasy artists, plenty of signed books, opportunities to have your manuscripts critiqued,
and some truly strange and interesting items.
If you’d like to see what the auction has to offer, click here"

Monday, November 28, 2011


Music Muse
Thumbnail for version as of 03:18, 15 March 2010

Time Travel

Original Cast Recording

The Film
Short Film Sequence

Youth Group Amateur production
(Glorious Voices and Energy)

The cast of the Broadway revival
perform live on The View.

Last Revival Broadway Performance

Friday, November 25, 2011


Feather Muse


I'm Recycling On The Day After the Day

“Each day as I leave the confines of my language and culture, these creatures seem to become in every way my superiors. They are more alert, sensitive, and aware. They’re in many ways, in fact, more intelligent. They’re understanding of the forest is beyond my ability to comprehend.”

On Being

"A public radio project hosted and produced by Krista Tippett, with a production staff of five including me, Chris Heagle, Nancy Rosenbaum,
Susan Leem, and Anne Breckbill.
The program is produced and distributed by
which also distributes such popular shows as The Splendid Table, A Prairie Home Companion, Marketplace, and many more.
We’re based out of St. Paul, Minnesota. 
Trent Gilliss, senior editor"

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Mammal Muse
The Ice Bear
Illustrated and Read by
Jackie Morris
Published by Frances Lincoln 2010
Audio Produced by bluemoon studios, St Davids Pembrokeshire
"When the great bear wakes in her ice den to find that one of her two cubs has been taken, she holds the second child close, but never forgets her lost child. 
When a childless couple are given their hearts desire,
they too hold their new found child close. 
But is Raven a force for evil or a force for good?
And when the child finds that the time has come to make a choice, 
which will he choose?   Set in the pristine polar regions of the Arctic,
this beautiful story reminds us that
we are caretakers of its wild creatures and
our actions directly affect their future."

A Short Studio Tour
visit her website
You beautiful artists of every craft and conceit do send something you've done or seen
that you deem beautiful

Drawing a Line in Time. 

Good Luck All

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday Music Muse THE SECRET OF LIFE

Music Muse

The Secret of Life
is enjoying the passage of time
(even if time is an illusion)
One of the first folk songs I learned to sing,
and one that still pleases me.
I'm off wandering in woods,
staring into the sun,
clearing the path,
practicing Winter ways
for the days to come.
Taking A Big Blog Break
I've constructed a few posts to drop in automatically on scheduled days,
but will not have any regular access to the web while I'm away.
Wishing all every reason for giving thanks this Thanksgiving. 
See You In December

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Spirit muse DIETY - RELIGION - SPIRIT - HUMOR

Spirit Muse

Sun Day
Thoughts on Deity, Religion, Spirit and Humor 

Ken Chen
Descartes In Love
"Love, accepting that we are not pure and lucent hearts, ricocheting towards each other like unlatched stars—no, we are tainted with self.
We sometimes believe the self is an invisible glass,
just as we believe the body is a suit made of meat.
Doubt all things invisible.
Doubt all things visible."
Einstein On God
"Often misquoted, Einstein strove for clarity in regard to his personal beliefs.
Some early photographs, thoughts written by his own hand, and the writings of his biographers comprise this well-referenced excerpt from the Christopher Hitchens
book 'The Portable Atheist.'  Read by Nicholas Ball."

Bertrand Russel
In his direct and uncompromising style, the aged philosopher
makes no bones about his opinion in this short clip.

H.H. The Dalai Lama
"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness."

"There is no need for temples,
no need for complicated philosophies.
My brain and my heart are my temples;
my philosophy is kindness."

A 'religion', I continue to aspire to, and a philosophy I must remind myself to remember.  I'm still 'practicing' staying conscious enough in the fleeting 'now' of my days to reign in the flow of emotions that sometimes catch me in their whirlwind grasp - toss me around and round.

Mary Oliver
A favorite poet, a self declared Catholic, whose ability to be in, and to express the world most eloquently, moves me. 

"To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work."

Hers, I think, is a decidedly spiritual point of view, mystical in respect of the mysteries, solidly grounded in the natural world. Several of her wonderful poems are here, at this attractive site.
 Carl Sagan
"Life is but a momentary glimpse of the wonder of this astonishing universe, and it is sad to see so many dreaming it away on spiritual fantasy."

 "God, for you, is where you sweep away all the mysteries of the world, all the challenges to our intelligence. You simply turn your mind off and say God did it." 

Lighten Up
Without laughter the spirit is hollow.

A favorite irreverent trickster 
George Carlin 

"The only good thing ever to come out of religion
was the music."

I love the music, from gospel to Bach. It inspires me, even when I stumble over some words or phases.  I changed the words of one tune in order to be able to sing it without reservation - "Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a soul like me felt better than wretch, even though I'm no way sure where, if anywhere, that entity resides.  Some say it's in the pineal gland. Some say it's too ethereal to have a home.  I feel like it just might be the nucleus of every cell, or lurking in a dark chamber within the recesses of the original reptilian brain. 

Here's a 10 Minute clip from his live show.  I leave it to you if he makes you laugh the way he does me (with the warning that there is quite a bit of profanity, so, it's up to you.)

I also love
Lily Tomlin
No Lack of Spirit Here - Can't find any specifically religious quotes or clips, though I remember some gorgeous references in - 'The Search For Signs of Intelligent Life In The Universe' - (I was fortunate enough to see the Broadway show way back when it opened, but I've seen the DVD and, if you can, do buy, get from the library, or rent it . It's  realy, deliciously, delightfully brilliant). Here is an amusing 'interview' with her, nothing like any interview you might expect.

"Lily Tomlin appears on Night After Night to pitch her new movie, but instead of appearing as herself, she is interviewed as "Kate", a wealthy Manhattan socialite who bankrolled the movie and only has a passing acquaintance with Lily Tomlin.  Further, it appears she doesn't even like Lily that much.Alan does a great job playing along - (it includes a very brief clip of the film)
 -10 minutes-
Her Official Website

The Tao Of The Poet
"Imagine a president whose philosophy might be summed up in six words:
Pay attention. Do no harm. Rejoice."
Read More of this Essay Here
How about you?
All thoughts most welcome.


Extra Muse

New York City---last night about 5PM, I met a young man with his little dog, Romeo.  He was on 14th Street as I came out of my Monthly food shopping trip to Trader Joe.  Romeo, the pup he saved from someone abusive, was sitting in his lap looking sleepy.  There was a water bowl and a kibble bowl, and a sign asking for help.  We talked while his little dog cuddled close to him, with what seemed the sort of relaxed trust love produces.  He told me he left Texas for some very good reasons after his father died.  I'll keep the details to myself, but say that I think he was wise to leave, and perhaps, that there was no other choice that made sense.  However, though he is an experienced tattoo artist (His family ran a parlor for years), has been applying for work at parlors around town in the month he's been here, he has found none.  He and Romeo are homeless, not lost.  They know exactly where they are.

 One of his originals of another dog he owned once
who just got old and passed away

I was only able to drop a dollar in change, and gave him some of my apples and raw sunflower seeds.   I told him I'd post at my blog with his permission.  He gave it willingly, let me take some shots (omitting his face was my idea of respecting his privacy--a decision I now regret)  He said to look for him at tattoobear.com to copy/paste some of his designs, and a site reference at face book--but that's the only lead I have, and there are so many artists at the site, I couldn't find him.  I just wasn't thinking clearly I guess, and though I thought he said his name was Brad, I didn't write it down!  By the time I got home, I had forgotten it.

This is a story of inattention on my part.  I'm hoping things work out for him, but how feeble that is.

Because I see a great many homeless folks, and I know a thing or two about tall stories, it is possible none of the story was true, or parts were true and parts not.  The little dog could have just been the gimmick to catch coins, or the story was pure fact.  The fact remains that I was moved to some small action.  I had watched a while, and several folks stopped to talk with him, two different women gave him something.  Most of the crowd streamed by totally self involved, as I am most of the time. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011


 Silent Muse
Keith Jarrett
The Köln Concert
Recorded at The Opera Köln, West Germany,
January 24, 1975

I  Wish I could just post the whole CD, but alas, and alack, I lack the necessary expertise,
So here it is in small ten minute  beautiful bites.


Extra Muse

Friday, November 18, 2011


Feather Muse
Condor. 300 A.D.

A fellow student
at the botanical gardens in 1979,
whose daughter had been a bird rehabilitation aid, thanked me for our correspondence
during a time when her daughter was ill
by sending me what she said was
a California Condor feather
-Illegal to Purchase-
but it had been a gift to her daughter
from the other facility personnel.
I've had it ever since, though
it's lost some of it's original sheen,
and yellowed with age,
It's the largest feather I've ever owned
Said to be a fallen one from a wing tip

 No progress on my magic feather patch
I will pack it, and a few other projects
to take with me to Massachusetts
where, surely, there will be enough quiet
to get back to the work again
 I'm hoping I can mail at least one
in early December.
Time may not be real,
but it does seem to escape my grasp
none the less.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


World Muse
"We are the way the cosmos can know itself
and there is much to be learned." 
-Carl Sagan-
 Symphony of Science
A musical project of John D Boswell,
designed to deliver scientific knowledge and philosophy
in musical form.
The project owes its existence in large measure to the classic PBS Series Cosmos, by Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan, and Steve Soter,
as well as all the other featured figures and visuals.
 More Here

To Deborah Byrd of Earth Sky 
Admiration and Gratitude
for her informative, often amazing, posts.
Follow Here

If we are the measure of the cosmos
how do we measure up?

I Can Dream,
Can't I?


Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Extra Muse
Part Two
Moves To Trinity Park
7 PM
broadcasts a report and time line, announces 
"all injuries were minor"
a statement refuted by twitter reports.
Protesters Back in Zucatti Park 
Without any survival items.
The police garage on West 57th street locked up all the truckloads of their belongings and is closed for the day.
NBC is continuing to make it their lead story.
This is a fast developing story and will continue hot and heavy
through the days to come.
I think that mayors meeting I reported on in my last post
  has a great deal to do with the decision - countrywide
to shut down protests in pre-dawn hours,
to lock out the press from reporting on the action during the action.  More to come and no resolution in sight.
 I can not help but watch with extreme concern,
and a familiar sadness, like a ghost of the seventies
rising up from memory.

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