Sunday, February 12, 2012


Spirit Muse
The Carmina Gadelica 
Alexander Carmichael's collection of folk poetry from the Western Isles of Scotland. Carmichael spent years collecting folklore from the vanishing cultures of Scotland. The poems in this volume include prayers, invocations, blessings and charms. They are a synthesis of Christian and pre-Christian belief systems. Besides invoking Jesus, Mary, and the saints, a number of these call on other powers. One of these is 'Bride,' who is explained as Jesus' midwife, but who is probably Brigid, an ancient Celtic goddess. Also mentioned throughout are a triune deity which is equated to the Christian Trinity, but which may also be an echo of a set of three pagan deities. The text includes notes on seasonal observances and folk customs which are probably likewise survivals of pre-Christian customs. All of these are woven into the cycles of the year, and activities such as weaving, fishing and herding. A vivid picture of life in pre-modern rural Scotland emerges.

Thanks to a comment from Christina at Terri Windling's beautiful post Friday

1 comment:

deanna7trees said...

lots of interesting info at that link. will save it and look back on occasion. thanks.