Thursday, October 17, 2013


Although I might have foreseen this:
I changed my retreat dates. 

My nerves, literally the nervous system, too shot to travel.
I have simply extended too far, been unreasonable,
and without sufficient sleep for days.
The Body Rebels!
I will go up country on the 21st, and return on the 28th.
I'm already packed, which will make it easier.

In between now and then, I intend to treat myself with more consideration.  I'll meditate, eat only healthy food,
and get a handle on the sleepless problem.


Mo Crow said...

rest up and enjoy your time away sweet lady!

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

wise. wise to wait until you
can go in a way that will allow
you to fully Receive retreat.
i love that you made this decision.

Yvette said...

take care..but you do so to hear