What's in the containers?
Almost a year of soaking black walnuts still in the coffee can decomposing. It's going to be an intense dye bath when the time is right
A weak solution of turmeric in the middle
In the big pot...this bundle, so tempting
I want to wait a month at least
What's in the backpack?
A laptop?
Perfect Mac book! Except that the rechargeable battery is damaged. So might be the connections, but it's worth taking to 'Techserve' to see if it's salvageable 'cause I sure can't afford a new one. What's to lose? We have young, rich, up and coming folks constantly moving in and out of many of the apartments here in this prewar walk up where I've lived through the past four plus decades.. They dump even new stuff when they escape to their new, more upscale digs. One persons garbage is potential :->
Went to my neighbors place to snack on greens and watch the Oscars. The cable failed so we watched on a tiny rabbit-eared TV on top of the refrigerator in the kitchen. The red value was set extremely high, but we didn't want to risk changing it till the program was over. It was fine enough. We got the gist of everything, and each others company. Most memorable image was Ellen as the good witch of Oz
The most memorable acceptance speech was for "The Lady In Number 6". Other memorable moments were, that slightly uncomfortable joke Ellen made to Lisa Minnelli right at the start, Bono and Bette--their vocal craft, Angelina Jolie accepting the humanitarian award, Kate Blanchet pointing to the win/lose as "rather random and subjective", crediting all the other nominees, and a final shout out to the Academy to look to Australia for great talent.
What was in the thirteenth storm?
It all depends on where you were. Washington got a whole lot of snow, while New York City was only dusted, and the temperature plummeted way back down into bitter. It rained on parched California at last, but there were mudslides. Another Winter-weary sunset was a pastel water-color wash.
My batteries need charging!
Gratefully, to bed tonight
with this brief inspirational clip on my mind
with this brief inspirational clip on my mind
i don't usually watch the Oscars but i knew Ellen would make it a special show. she talked about that joke on Liza on her show today and despite what everyone thought, she says Liza was not upset and took it well. the pizza guy was on her show today as well and he got his $1000 tip. hope you can salvage that laptop.
I like Deanna, rarely watch. But I really like Ellen and tuned in to some of it. The moment for me (from the ones that I saw) was the strength (although frail), the poise, the beauty of Sidney Poitier. He is quite a human being and I hold my breath and tremble when I watch him.
Hope the lap top works out :)
goash the laptop looks like a good score Michelle! when is your eye operation happening, soon x fingers?
how the opposite...the Music IS a
Dream woman to the one in my mind
tonight....how perfect, the
The dye-pots! -- getting richer and deeper, just like the wonderful woman in the dream. Oh I love hearing our wise elders speak like this, reassuring and comforting, having made sense of it all. Thank you, Michelle.
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