Friday, March 25, 2016


Also called 'Throwback Thursday' on Face book, where I posted this photo of my shadow reflected on on my drawing "The Letter" which hung at my friend's home in Utah in 2011.
Thursday Evening
At the Zendo where, using an adaptation of the Zen Peacemakers version as our guide (see link below), we discussed
"Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts".
Then, shuttling by subway to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine
to the annual marathon reading of  Dante Alighieri's "Inferno".
(see link below)
Fifteen readers performed using various translations,
including one in Spanish, and two in Italian.
The evening ended with a profound organ meditation,
which tapered to a gentle finish at half past midnight.
I returned home via two buses, arriving at 1:30 Good Friday morning, had some hot soup, and fell into a deep sleep. 

Sixteen Precepts
Dante's " Inferno" 

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