"So...?" she asks with the upward lifting lilt of the curious.
"Well...." I reply with just the slightest vocal twist to indicate that there are stories, "...but, let me land...remember I'm slow to shift.
Weary Woman

So...not yet for stories, they take a more settled spirit. I've opened snail mail and filed it all-cooked food-unpacked-checked the few plants for survival-turned lights on-relieved myself-booted up the laptop, read and deleted all email for the week-replenished daily supplement supply and I'm just about to update journal pages.
Massachusetts Gleanings

Me, losing Focus!
Fall Leaves with a Hint of Winter

Milk Weed Seeds

A share of the Annual Mushroom Crop
(Saute in Butter)

"Hen of the Woods"

Halloween Morning
Looking East

My 'Front Yard"


Owls Eye View



Still too Weary to detail the many short stories: Amtrak Encounter and the First Bomb Delivery, Murder at the Synagogue, Backyard Bird and Wildlife Sanctuary, Movie Sharing, Family Breakfast and Lunch, New Feline Visitors, Spring Bulb Plantings, Transplants and Leaf Raking, Horses and What to Do When a Well Trained Guard Dog Attacks, MSNBC, The Migrant Caravan and Official Response...I loaded the wrong SIM card into my camera so was unable to photograph there.

...Perhaps, more to come.
Weary Woman
So...not yet for stories, they take a more settled spirit. I've opened snail mail and filed it all-cooked food-unpacked-checked the few plants for survival-turned lights on-relieved myself-booted up the laptop, read and deleted all email for the week-replenished daily supplement supply and I'm just about to update journal pages.
Massachusetts Gleanings
Me, losing Focus!
Fall Leaves with a Hint of Winter
Milk Weed Seeds
A share of the Annual Mushroom Crop
(Saute in Butter)
"Hen of the Woods"
Halloween Morning
Looking East
My 'Front Yard"
Owls Eye View
Still too Weary to detail the many short stories: Amtrak Encounter and the First Bomb Delivery, Murder at the Synagogue, Backyard Bird and Wildlife Sanctuary, Movie Sharing, Family Breakfast and Lunch, New Feline Visitors, Spring Bulb Plantings, Transplants and Leaf Raking, Horses and What to Do When a Well Trained Guard Dog Attacks, MSNBC, The Migrant Caravan and Official Response...I loaded the wrong SIM card into my camera so was unable to photograph there.
...Perhaps, more to come.
love the photo of your foot!
your stories, your photos, your perspective, your life.. I look forward to it all.
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