Thursday, June 27, 2019


I listen to news on NPR and BBC Radio daily...
("Isn't this fun")
...while simultaneously viewing mute cartoons on Television.
("We're flying with the Cat in a Hat today")
The combination creates an uncanny balance and
serves to aid detachment

 Tuesday I Voted
It was a low turn out by 5 p.m. and
I was welcomed by many workers.
Neighborhood Walk-about
Thought about the shortness of life and persistence of beauty; how Easter Lilies bloom and re-bloom, Hydrangea blossoms open and close.
This is how I manage constant stimuli: I remind myself to
take it in and let it go, without attaching or holding.

Wednesday Morning
5:30 with it's clear blue sky, ancient curve of a waning moon and one neighbor, someone I don't even know, whose light in the window reminded me of being in community. A palpable feeling of peace washed over me and I need to remember it.

Evening Meditation

Buddha, Dharma, Sangha

Presidential Debates
Part one with ten Candidates
I paid attention. It was daunting and overwhelming in this too-short period of time when so much has been ruined and so very many issues are critical enough to be called Emergencies. Part two with ten more candidates tomorrow night same time and place.

1 comment:

Mo Crow said...

(((Michelle))) the magic of a\that beautiful butterfly asking you to photograph it!