Thursday, July 9, 2020


JULY 9TH 2020
3 a.m.
Woke up with a thought. Checked the Sim card and found the side lever down blocking access. Fixed it and was immediately able to upload some of yesterdays photographs

Mirror masked self in a shop window
 Who's making money?
 Impromptu seller
 Storm threat never materialized
I am still without my previous tabs, but slowly reconstructing what I need. All the doom and gloom for nothing. My computer friend will be relieved.


Deb Lacativa said...

Ask you friend about installing the Chrome browser and how to establish bookmarks. Having open (and likely active) web pages in numerous tabs puts stress on the laptop - that overheating problem.

shiborigirl said...

all good to hear. sometimes, it's good to clean out ones closets...i mean tabs.
who's making $$? Etsy of course!