"They get"
Chilled to my Elder Bones
Chilled to my Elder Bones
Ted and I are Comforted
Primary Care MD Consultation
Primary Care MD Consultation
While Waiting
Looking East
(All's Well)
Completed MOLST Form
(Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment)
Union Square
Union Square
Indigenous Drums
(Columbus Day Weekend)
(Columbus Day Weekend)
Book Launch
"Mindfulness and Intimacy"
by Ben Connelly
"Go beyond mere mindfulness—and deepen your connection to your
self, the people in your life, and the world around you.Mindfulness is
an ancient and powerful practice of awareness and nonjudgmental
discernment that can help us ground ourselves in the present moment,
with the world and our lives just as they are."
(with Sensei Koshin Paley Ellison)
Happy to Note
Geranium has moved indoors at the Zendo
Tibet House
Chenrezig Compassion Sand Mandala
Closing Ceremony
Closing Ceremony
Closing Ceremony
Lower East Side
The outspoken leftist firebrand, remembered as a
determined and tireless fighter for the rights of women, gays, the
homeless and low income tenants. I wish she were still with us.
A Circle of Comrades
They often meet like this
Enjoying Neighbors Sunday Times
while they are away till Monday
Funeral Leavings
Epiphany Church Plaza
Enjoying Neighbors Sunday Times
while they are away till Monday
Funeral Leavings
Epiphany Church Plaza
Stay warm. Thank you for yet another tour of your rich and wonderful urban world!
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