Thursday, November 7, 2013


Avoid Adapting Other People's Negative Views
by Sharon Dolin 
after Epictetus

To gaze upon the fatal

without commiserating gloom:

what every friend should be--

not one who rends her coat of doom

nor one who lets her ankle rankle

nor her dogged love to the hounds.

Be the cat in catastrophe

who survives eight more dives.

Though in the clutch of damage

a dame must age,

in the crazy-quilt of guilt

it was never your fault.

In the company of morose

always pull out the rose.

If no rose it close by, try these fading, but still fragrant
lillies,  rescued yesterday from the garbage

or this songstress from Tibet

"Happiness Is"
by Yungchen Lhamo

If no Star Gazing lilies can be found, and
the songstress has fallen quite silent,
simply exit quickly..........laughing!


1 comment:

Mo Crow said...

Ah Michelle, breathing in the wild perfume of your Stargazer lily and listening to the song for happiness and laughing in the face of all the mad stuff goin' on... namaste you shine sister!