Tuesday, February 4, 2014


An Offering
I left this Sand Buddha for the evening tide to erase.
On my second visit, the temperature like late Fall, a setting sun left it's mark as well.
 Everything it touched
glowed a red-gold.
That evening, after another tasty meal shared, we were called out by next door neighbors in time to catch a satellite launch from NASA.  It was just visible from our perch on top of the hill around 9:30 PM, and we were very excited.

Home video by Ms.
Amazing indeed, and puts me in mind of a recent 'History Girls' blog post-The History of The Future by Eve Edwards, in which Science Fiction movies serve as signposts to the history of human culture, and, to how we imagined the future from that past perspective.  She used great examples, and asked for contributions of any flicks we felt illustrated the point.  I immediately thought of "Blade Runner", a brilliant example I think.  I can only recommend it without reservation.  Here is the three minute scene that touched me most:

"Tears In The Rain"
for Bladerunner by Vangellis


Stay Tuned 

for the wrap up of Coral Cottage series, with Thrift Shopping, Plants, Skies and some surprises in the next post


grace Forrest~Maestas said...


Mo Crow said...

ah Bladerunner the first time I saw it was in the pouring rain at a drive in cinema the next time was the director's cut... I have a glass unicorn that a friend gave me without realizing the significance...

Velma Bolyard said...

i like drawing that way-