I have to struggle to remember it. I might have even slept through it, though I know at some point I must have gone for groceries, because they're here today and were not here Tuesday. A book idea made itself known late in the evening:
This 'generic' Buddha knows what happened to that day. That's the central premise.
Why not?!
Now, the choices are huge--what genre, what narrator, what location, what happens and why, and Isn't that some big bird on his head?????? Is it metaphor or magic at work?
To be continued...maybe.
Thursday Morning
I made a list of what's broken or just barely functioning: Dead answer machine, Dead printer, Keyboard whose numbers and letters have to be 'sharpied' in every few days, Very outdated computer model that often fails (also it lost it's DVD and CD applications), Broken ceiling light fixture in the 'closet' room, Dead savings account, One bad eye in need of cataract surgery, Reduced finances (rising price of everything). That's enough. I will not subject you to all that is working just fine because it would eat all the space. Besides, it might just be time to be 'practicing' detaching from all these machines.
I had some happy-time in the library returning two audio books (I'm abandoning Dan Brown, there's enough real Vatican news about corruption), and securing two large print books and two audio books:
David Sedaris is just plain funny. No, searingly, brilliantly funny. Hearing him perform his stories is worth any ones time. No one does Sedaris better than Sedaris.
Love Louisa, and the Massachusetts setting, and the blurb says "Susan Cheever brings a unique perspective to Louisa May Alcott's life as a woman, a daughter, and a working writer". Worth a try.
Amy Tan delighted me with her "Joy Luck Club", so I have her "The Valley Of Amazement" now and can look forward to "a deeply evocative narrative about the profound connection between mothers and daughters", and a good deal of Chinese history as well. "The Red Garden" by Alice Hoffman is set in the 1700s in Massachusetts. Two assets.
Grilled cheddar cheese on a bed of spinach and tomato with sesame-ginger dressing.
1 comment:
Sometimes broken ain't worth fixin' I say!! Hope the things your really need to work...are! Fridge, heat, toilet...the rest can go, yes?!
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