Saturday, March 29, 2014


If I had a truck and a store, here's
a brand new couch in the rain.
Peter Cooper Village
Wendy and I walked to the East river after coffee and a chat in which her son explained bit coins to me and I understood them (then), 
Just drifting.   
 This rain has a sharp bite to it.  I was mighty glad I wasn't far from home, and that I had  my hooded ankle length raincoat on with some down under it, boots, a warm hat and gloves!  It's so much easier with the right gear.
 First Avenue divider
with a spare crocus patch
A perennial indoor window garden
right down the block
Home  then, and reading a trash-found magazine addressed to a woman who no longer lives here.  There's a whole lot of moving in and out in the building, in a whole lot of buildings actually.  It's a subtext to my life, a real estate mystery.  Meanwhile, inside the magazine these  boiled-wool slippers embroidered
The fledgling on the window sill under the A/C "eeep-eeeps" and then falls silent when full.  The rain rains, and my little old computer strains.  It was brown rice and adzuki beans again tonight, and later (Free-plucked from the garbage still in it's wrapping) Jim Hensons' "The Dark Crystal"
"A one of a kind imagination marvel"
Three Minute Trailer

We are, you and me, as all life forms are, one of a kind.


Peggy said...

I love that mandala'd slipper, Michelle! And I'm thinking the March moondala has a half smile, too. Thank you for passing that morning exercise on, it's just wonderful. When I read it, I thought "I could do that" -- and now I have the pleasure of finding my smile sign. TNH is always smiling, isn't he? xoxo

Yvette said...
