Monday, January 12, 2015


External and internal weather
found me staying close to home.

The few trips out were for food, or to the library,
and one 'entertainment' to two local thrifts,
to look with no need to buy anything,

to hear human voices responding, and
briefly to exercise that 'being with' muscle.
I saw a bored child swaddle himself,
sleeping while mother was dragging desire
through rack upon rack of the cast offs of others.

My life has been fully occupied with cooking,
and cleaning, eating and sleeping,

with radio broadcasts and audio books, with
virtual following of others lives and world events.


One sad personal event
Out on the ledge, under the air conditioner where
a perfect nest was removed and entrance blocked
by order of the landlord as Summer was ending,
One dove, heeding her memory, returned in early Winter
and gave birth to two eggs. One fell to the street. but
one grew into a fledgling, and was being fed there.
When the bitter storms came, she froze to death.
It is said that freezing is the kindest departure
one simply falls asleep to never wake again.
Let there be mercy and let there be light.
Let there be grief and Acceptance. 


jude said...

well this was just as it is.

Saskia said...

well, how lovely a glimpse of your life, the ups and down of it all with random acts and observations in between.....

Peggy said...

This is just how I like winter days to be. And the "being with" muscle at the thrift store -- once in a while when I go to the fabric store, I sit down at the big table to look at patterns. The being with part is listening to all the people sounds all around me. Puts me in a state, I tell you. You just never know where a good being with vibe will be, I guess -- fabric store or thrift store! :) And thank you for the astrology site, it looks fantastic! xoxo

Nancy said...

To see your days is to see your heart. Love to you Michelle.

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

let there be mercy
let there be light


Jenny M said...

Hello, Michelle, I have followed the crumbs to your blog, via Judy's Journal. Your thoughts on Judy's post re: her wool blanket struck a cord with me, so here I am. I have enjoyed looking back through a few of your posts & photos.
Also I have taken down the words of 'What if?' by Rob Bresney, on your sidebar. Thought provoking words.
What harm could a few pigeons do? So sad.
Hope you are keeping warm. from Jenny in Australia

Cathie said...

Ahh the light and dark.... beauty and the loneliness of winter. So many juxtapositions winter does call to mind.
Poor little bird. Sad.

Velma Bolyard said...

yes. it is indeed winter. lovely post, michelle