occurs to me that in this City, it is not unusual for an old woman to
be seen out and about at Midnight accompanied only by her cane, whereas in
many communities it would be like wearing headlights. Hence, when
restless, I often walk around Gramercy park several times. Manhattan is a
24 hour/seven days sort of locale. Last Friday night, at 8 O'clock I
traveled across 23rd Street by bus to the High line at 10th Avenue to
wander uptown on the new extension that goes all the way to 34th Street.
How it used to be...
How it used to be...
History at the end gate which will eventually extend out into the Hudson Yards. From here the City looks remote like a scene from a movie.
Along the way, the last of Summer was in evidence against a backdrop of old buildings.
all the wonders of the High line, it is only right to acknowledge the
disruption, loss of privacy and neighborhood that many long time residents
experienced during it's construction and continue to experience with
the constant flow of tourists and City residents, both old and new, who are enjoying the Park seven days and nights per week. Those of you who have read the blog 'Jeremiahs Vanishing New York' will not be strangers to the devastation it has caused.
None the less, there are very beautiful native grasses...
going to seed.
Asters still blooming
Sweet (intoxicating) Phlox
and Honeysuckle Vine

I took few pictures actually, there were so many buildings still under construction towering over me I found myself just looking up, feeling enclosed, oppressed by the cranes and shiny steel. I did, however sit a while at a stage where the performance from four PEN authors had taken place. I missed it but spent time with tourists pointing out plants and helping them get good photographs with their I-Phones. I exited on to 11th Avenue and strolled back slowly to 23rd street catching a last shot of this woman.
Jeremiahs Vanishing New York
Listen to a half hour Interview
one of the best things about living in the middle of a big city is being able to go for a walk at any time of day or nigh butthe rate of change is accelerating here in Sydney too, they want to put an 8 lane freeway tunnel under our old house and there is so many high rise apartment blocks going up right acrosss the city even on the outsirts... our days are numbered, have no idea where we will go next but we will have to move on in the not too faraway in this increasingly gentrified world
this is so well, foreign, to me. How i am so used to Dark, to Quiet,
silence, really, at night. Here, there is only a very occasional
vehicle traveling. No human sounds. But,,,then, that's not true...there
is the woosh of the freeway in the distance sometimes...i'm not sure why
it can be heard and then not at all? Maybe the direction of the wind/breeze?
i love imagining myself walking with you
I got down to NY a couple of years ago for a day trip and I got to see a bit of the highline. I enjoyed it but I did notice the way the aparments around it were imposed upon by the foot traffic. The pace of change here is increasing as well, so many changes are disorienting aren't they?
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