Thursday, September 14, 2017


(Still playing catch-up) 

Saturday September 9th
Farmers Market at Union Square
The Hare Krishnas
Wendy and I chanted along for a while,
I played cartels and she shook something rhythmic,
then on to the Honey Man...
the Honey Man can...
Yes, the Honey Man can and it tastes so good.
Here's the Wheat Grass Guy with Wendy
Like old friends. I used to grow a tray of it when I had cats.
We each got a single shot of power juice...
Sweet young man with his Unicorn
Old friends from Su Polo ecology events
We had a nice enough chat,
considering it was about the sorry state of our poor world.
I've bought from Ryder organic for decades but had run out of spendable
so, just stopped to greet and catch a photo.
Sun down
Wendy Daly
Irving Farm on Irving Place near Gramercy Park
Stopped for coffee on the way home


grace Forrest~Maestas said...

love seeing how PeaceFULL things can be
Thank You, Michelle, Love....

Mo Crow said...

love seeing these smiling faces!

Patty said...

You seem to find the peaceful places in NYC. Lovely.