Sunday, September 24, 2017


Farm Market Union Square
Saturday Sundown
 Luther Bangert
 Again and again...
 he tosses and twirls, juggles...
then throws them...
 higher and higher.
 Admiration and Derision from a group of kids watching: They're goofing a bit , alternating with honest awe...acting-out the way boys are conflicted about being real men, and so unsure of themselves, I found it touching. The Juggler, so accomplished, and he wears ballet slippers without a thought while the boys, pointing', snicker nervously. They are at that vulnerable age, teetering on the brink of adulthood, trying to get along, find a tribe, a gang, a crew, something to hold on to when one doesn't know what lies ahead.
 Meanwhile the Juggler,  an accomplished performer...
 performs and he is a simply lovely man!

East Village Stroll Saturday Evening
St Marks Church
 Still There, and Still a
"Sanctuary for Natural Beauty"
 Tenth Street Baths Still Working
 The Mosaic Tiled building Still There
 Pigeons Still Rest Up There
 Odessa Still Here
 6th Street Garden
Joining In the Sing Along
singing along
X-Tine & the City Timbres
Roses are Still Blooming
East Village Books and the Sock Man are
Still in Business!
 I'm left with two Questions:

What or Who was Dora Park?
Who was Sara Curry?


grace Forrest~Maestas said...

human beings can be so BeautyFULL
and create such Beauty.

seems a simple thought, but really
it's huge...all we have become and
can continue to become.

I love your city

Mo Crow said...

love your elegant juggler & so good to see there are pieces of the heart of the village still intact!

Els said...

(lovely to walk along with you ... ;-) !)

alsokaizen said...

I love the way you pass along all these bits of story from your city