Thursday, January 10, 2019


January Tenth 3AM
(Elder Insomniac Selfie)

Home has been unsettled for me recently due to known old medical issues recently re-risen and requiring attention. After a ten day flu attack and six days of Prescribed Rx, I'm experiencing after effects. I have limited energy daily, need naps and feel somewhat unstable.

Loud street activity three floors below

They're breaking up the concrete near the main feed to the building next door again. At least three times this past year.

Then they shovel out the heavy debris and and another truck rattles in to pour and pound a new cover down.


My Sky View


I had Just settled down for a bit more sleep when anguished screams drew me once again to the front window. Bleary eyed, I didn't open it or pull back the curtain. Witnessed six officers strapping a prisoner to a gurney and lifting him into the ambulance. Doors close. He screamed again.
Then, silence.

A most unsettling morning so far.

The 'Iron hoofed maiden' who lives above me had risen and was  stomping across her floor/my ceiling  back and forth between bathroom and kitchen as she performed her morning ablutions.
My Aunt Anna was right:
"No rest for the weary"

At Last
My cloth-art contribution to Mo Crows gathering project
mailed to Australia December 22nd has finally arrived!
The Gathering  

I'm going back to my comforter for another nap.


jude said...

sorry you are not feeling well.
the new neighbors next door are cutting all the trees.

deemallon said...

Hope you rest up and feel
Better quicker than last time. What a hideous array of noise. The city of newton decided to do all its tree maintenance on my and surrounding blocks during the week of Christmas and the next week, too. Endless whine and grinding. Your neighbor name made me smile, tho - iron hoofed maiden!