Wednesday, March 13, 2019


March 12. 2019
No Heat Again
Consequentially exacerbating personal distress
over the lost artwork outlined in my last post
Personal Responsibility for dealing with this new wrinkle.
Heat went off about 1:00 a.m. just as I was turning systems off and preparing to crash. I just plugged in my heat pad and electric radiator,
retired and slept till 4:00 a.m.cold-held off till 5:00 a.m. doing minor home things (hand laundry) and searching my laptop picture file to try to figure out a replacement process.
(Heart by D. Mallon I think)

Called and woke our dear battered Superintendent, who responded as best he could and the heat returned around 6:00 I think. At this point, I'm getting foggy on exact times. I'm at the stage of my life where I have to write everything down, and then remember where that bit of paper is. I'm sure many recognize this.
I called the MTA bus lost and found for the third time as instructed by the second customer service agent in my last call last night.
(too many details that should be edited out)

In any case,
this is how it went last night

Within the hours of 9:00 p.m. to Midnight (lots of waiting time + three transfers), two different Customer Service agents, in two different calls, gave me the least helpful service which came down to 'Call Again'.

Part 2
"Miss Remos" 
Here is where systems become human. The 'Machine' robot, being inadequate to the enterprise, can never hear actual problems in their three dimensional complexity, so can find no solutions, until some one person re-inhabits their very human selves, understands and goes that extra step. Miss Remos did just that today by registering me on their computer system, so I now have a # to refer to when inquiring about the lost bag.
(the Collective)
Simply trash it all, sweep it under the corporate carpet and in a vain  attempt to force Data-based Systems to comply with Human-centered needs. continue to fail. This subterfuge only worsens the divide between what is real and what is wished. It's clear that we have learned nothing, that the same construct that has never worked will be continued as though history hadn't happened, as though the past never proved anything.

 Why I Practice
"No future-No Past-Only Now"
That's what this sitting 'Zazen' practice offers
the goalless-goal is only to keep Practicing

I found the last printed Image I saved to reproduce again.
Somehow, I'm able to spend the time it takes to respond reasonably to the problems modern life throws at me.

Despite that I had to sleep away most of the day, I did manage to get some essentials done and to cook and eat nourishing food and had a delightful encounter with "Miss Maddi" (short for Madison) and her loving young woman. The dog was a curly coated small blonde something or other (perhaps a mixed breed) and when she felt me notice her, she turned back toward me. The young woman afraid she might attack, relaxed when I just stood still and let her sniff me.Theirs is the wordless language of vibration and scent is prime information. They have naturally acute talents in these areas and so, since I know this, I respond in kind. The young woman was fascinated, so we talked about canines a while and 'Maddi was content. When one expects nothing, but remains open and present, things just happen.

1 comment:

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

It is amazing to me that they even try.