Friday, March 15, 2019


Just a few months
January 8th 2019
Response to a Prompt
(photo 2009)
'Where I Come From'

I'm from my mothers womb,
from the blood line of Celtic Crones,
from galaxies where stars explode.
I'm that longing answered again,
another message in a bottle
riding the storms of human being.
March 13th 2019

(photo from December 2018)
Wednesdays are s’pozed to be ‘hump’ day in the work world-the half-mark of a now extinct ‘9 to 5 world; Our devices have become the new ‘office’ and the work week is 24/7 - I don’t ‘work’, that is, I don’t participate in any traditionally accepted work for hire. I’m officially ‘retired’, spending my days and nights in personal maintenance, sleep, speculative and historical research, reading and viewing others work, art play (writing, drawing, photography), face to face or voice to voice contact with friends and strangers, occasional free entertainments, random sorting and clearing sessions, and regular Zen practice.

March 14th

Although I'd planned to sleep longer, due to another brief failure of our heating system around 4 a.m., I was awake through resolution to 5 or 6, or was it 7? I slept again. However, everything that truly needed to be done got done today and I had a fine evening meal while watching to the PBS re-broadcast of JONI MITCHELL TRIBUTE at SEVENTY FIVE, remembering who I was when I'd first heard and been transported by that great heart and voice.
Baked five sweet potatoes after supper while spending time on Face book with 'Friendlies' and reading favorite blog posts - timer set so I don't get lost - one will be breakfast and two are for Friday supper. The last two will be wrapped and frozen for future warm up. Now, at 2 a.m. Friday morning, I'll slip into comforter comfort, pop in earbuds to listen to the last chapter of "Chasing the Last Laugh" by Richard Zach
Mark Twain's Raucous and Redemptive Round-The-World-Comedy Tour.
(6 Minutes)

Thank Goodness it's Friday

A busy day went on about it's struggles and pleasures without me while I slept 'til after noon and how it will be one day when I am forever absent.



Mo Crow said...

(((Michelle))) the decades flying by the music holding our souls namaste

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

Dana's Sophia Tovah, someday like us. For now New.

Nancy said...

I can really get a sense of how your days go. My mama loved to just research and read on the web, it was so much newer back then (she died in 2008) and she was so fascinated to have all this information at her fingertips! I love seeing the pics of you :)

buysse maria said...

hallo Michelle i collect the picture on your blog " if you really want to be a rebel PRACTICE KINDNESS " yes i will do this , more kindness , Thank you , big hug !!!! maria