Sunday, November 24, 2019


 November 21st 2019
Birthday Greeting to my Dear Brother
I mailed Jackson Brown song book for guitar

Thursday Evening
Riveted and exhausted by days of painful as well as inspiring testimony and in my heart of hearts I am about 99% sure the House will vote to impeach, but that's about all. It is their strongest censure and will be on the books. However, with Congress and the Supreme court Trump loaded and an Administration that is weighted to survive at any cost, plus given the destructive damage, National and International of the past two years, I'm sad to say I'm resigned that I won't be joyfully witnessing vastly significant repairs (even if we elect a different President) in my lifetime. Perhaps I'll be entertained by the 3500 lawsuits the President will be responding to, but I doubt it. So, I turned away to spend time with my friends at Tibet House.

Opening Reception
Wrapped within the calm surround of Paintings by
Hisako Kobayashi
(see more at the Link)
One critic (Donald Kuspit) referred to her work as
"the feminine sublime"

Shinko Hanaokas cello filled the space with exquisite sound...

...and there was a lovely table of food and libation.
Alarming News in the Mail: The convenient branch I joined in 1970 three blocks away. Now the nearest branch is inconveniently farther away on 14th Street near Fifth Avenue. I first chose this bank when I was doing a monthly banking run for Raymonde Collette, one of the elder neighbors (long gone). It was her bank and later I found out it's the closest bank to a Credit Union in Manhattan. "Founded by a union nearly a century ago, we are the first union-owned bank in history to become a publicly-traded company."

Friday Morning

I spent the day  and night resting, eating and sleeping.

Saturday Surprise
A blast from the Past arrives by Post
(that's my favorite photo of beloved Delia Cunningham, the dog who came into my life as a foundling. It's the cover of the tape)

 1988 I made a mix tape of favorites for my friend and sent them.
Now she sends them back to me, saying she listened every November since then. That's 31 years! Amazing.

Television Tonight
‎Richard Attenborough

1982 epic historical drama film based on the life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the leader of India's non-violent, non-cooperative independence movement against the United Kingdom's rule of the country during the 20th century. Three and a half hours . I also watched newsreel footage before the start of the film. 

Meanwhile, it's raining in Manhattan and I'm grateful to be cozy three floors above the street.


grace Forrest~Maestas said...

love the travel of the tape...a Big loop

Unknown said...

Very evocative paintings...I love being introduced to new artist...thank you.


Mo Crow said...

(((Michelle))) Before the Deluge has kept my spirit high through the years

deemallon said...

I feel the same way about probable political results. Dispiriting. Impotence. Binding corruption so many levels down and up. Glad you’re cozy! It was a crap day here.

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

love Friday Morning...thank you, cool pix