Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Days for nights and nights for days rotate as I continue to endure this final phase of my 'Thanksgiving' surprise cold.

As a result of being at home for so long, I did listen to, plus randomly watched all the impeachment hearings and got quite depressed more than once. Fortunately,  because I'm exhausted, my response to depression these days is napping. It's cheap, temporary and effective enough to soften the sharper edges off distress.

Soon I'll be well enough to return to the Zendo, meditation will be revived and that is a far better response really. My daily practice is not established enough to carry me through and being with my Sangha (group) has been much missed.

(Sensei Robert Chodo Campbell & Sensei Koshin Paley Ellison)
Treading the mountain path
The violets fill my heart
with indefinable gracefulness
Though no-one pays any attention to the violets along the path
They still bloom quietly beautifully elegant



Mo Crow said...

(((Michelle))) love the healing scent of violets permeating this post!

deemallon said...

I feel you to be the violets. I watched more of the hearings than was healthy for me, too. The gaslighting is so so extreme and scary and enraging and amazing to behold. But ultimately, sickening. I will be so so glad when you can rejoin your community!