Sunday, February 23, 2020


 Manhattan Views
Around the Town
These Catholics have a sense of Humor
Decoration as Defense
  Empire State Building
No doubt just fog and the blur from my shaky hand, but if you look in close up at the base of the top, can 666 be a message?
The Dem-Debates were discouraging.
The World and Local news, discouraging.

No Rain Came
New walking Mantra
"O ma ni Pa me Hum-Solitude is Sacred"

After Meditation
Chodo Moves to say:
"Life and Death are of supreme Importance.
Do not Squander your life"

Then we share snacks and shmooz-time.

Manhattan Views
4:30 a.m.

7:30 a.m.

3:30 p.m.

Look, she's plugging in at the Post Office.


Dharma Mittra Yoga Center

 He's on the cover of National Geographic!
Reading the Lyrics,
We 'whispered' the Hanuman Chalisa together.


Sweet Saturday

D-Lunch with my friend, 'Archangel Michael Beiser
His Treat!


Sunday Sunshine

Lazy and happy I strummed through the hours.